If you have any questions or queries, a member of staff will always be happy to respond on time. Feel free to contact us by email at contact@cuyr.org or you can fill up the message box. We will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.

CUYR Online Library has two journals customer service centres based in the USA, and India.

If anyone is experience difficulties while browsing the CUYR Journals website, can contact via email at contact@cuyr.org.

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For enquiries regarding new submissions please contact via email at contact@cuyr.org or WhatsApp at: +44 1522-254018.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. CUYR open access journals?

CUYR Open Access journals publish high-quality, peer-reviewed original research across a broad range of scientific disciplines. Authors can submit their valuable manuscripts via email.

2. Where is the journals full list?

A full list of journals is available at https://cuyr.org/journals

3.  What are the benefits of publishing in Open Access journals?

A) Visibility: Open access provide higher readership, increased citations and greater visibility of author’s work. Articles published in CUYR journals are freely available to everyone on CUYR Online Library.

B) Publication Time: Open access provides speed and efficiency in manuscript publication time. Authors and readers can be benefitted as information is easily available and in very less time.


1. How do I contact Author Support?

Author can contact our editorial staff via contact form available in contact us or via email address through which author gets communication regarding manuscript. Authors are responded within a day or two by editorial team. Communication via telephone is not available right now but author can WhatsApp their issue to editorial team.

2. How do I submit my paper?

Authors can easily submit their valuable manuscript as an email attachment at contact@cuyr.org or to respective journal mail id.

3. What is the peer review process?

The review process varies journal to journal, but journals aim is to have an efficient peer review process to facilitate rapid publication.

Articles submitted to CUYR journals are mandatory to have gone through with peer review process. Without peer review articles are not allowed to get published. As per the criterion minimum 2 independent reviewers, which are of the qualified experts in field are designated by Editor-in-Chief or Editor of journal. After receiving comments, Editor-in-Chief or Editor will decide whether to Accept, Reject or Revisions will be made on the manuscript.

The data presented by author should be unique and submission reports have well conducted research with discussion and conclusion supported by the data presented in article. Every article should have novel addition to literature.

4. What is the copyright policy?

All CUYR open access journals publish open access articles under a Creative Common License. Authors have the copyright to their valuable work and public is allowed to use the published data. Authors provide license to publish the manuscript to publisher and identify them as original publisher.

5. Are the journals indexed in ISI, PubMed etc.?

Publisher will apply to abstract and indexing services that are appropriate for each journal, including, Web of Science.

6. How can I read articles in Open Access journals?

Articles are freely available without any barriers to read soon after the final publication. Articles are free to read, share and download. This is one of the major benefits of open access journals.

7. What is the editorial structure for the journals?

Each journal is having a hierarchy which consists of Editor-in-Chief, Associate editors, and an Editorial Board of experts in the fields that are included in the scope of journal. The main responsibility is upon Editor-in-Chief to maintain the overall quality of journal and making decision on manuscript acceptance, rejection with the help of editors.

8. What are the Article Publication Charges?

These are the charges which covers the whole process of publication and the amount invested upon an article. Authors, Institutions, or Funding Agencies need to pay the publication charges on the acceptance of manuscript. Article publication charges differ one journal. Journal fees is mentioned in author guidelines of every journal.

Discounts are available on request but for developing countries if author cannot pay the fees, then only journals are ready to provide them discount (Based on Criteria). Special issue articles are allowed to pay as per the charges discussed before the submission of manuscript by editor.

9. How author can pay fees?

Article Publicationges can be made by PayPal, check or via online bank transfer. Details are included in the invoice that you will receive. Fees can be paid soon after the acceptance of manuscript.

10. Different tools and resources are available to authors and readers?

All open access articles are published under Creative Common License which makes easy for authors and readers to share and download the data.

Articles can be shared on social networks LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.. by authors, editors and readers.


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