1. Submission
Manuscript will be submitted by any author of the article, but we encourage that article should be submitted by Corresponding author. Manuscript can be submitted as an email attachment at contact@cuyr.org
Manuscript can only be submitted in WORD (.docx) or PDF format. Corresponding author must take the whole responsibility for the manuscript during the whole process of publication. Submission cannot be accepted if any author shows conflict of interest.
For any assistance one can reach at contact@cuyr.org
2. Terms and Condition of Submission
A) Author should be careful that submitted Manuscript should not be submitted or published anywhere else.
B) There should not be any Conflict of Interest among co-authors.
C) Before submission, author needs to get all approval from co-authors, institutions, etc.
D) On every step author will be notified and final galley proof will be sent to corresponding author only.
E) Any changes will be notified by corresponding author to editorial office will be completed within 48 hours.
For any assistance one can reach at contact@cuyr.org
3. Plagiarism
A) Manuscript submitted to journals are considered as the original work of author. The content taken from any source will be credited properly.
B) Re-use of text, data, figures, or tables without appropriate acknowledgment or permission is considered plagiarism which leads to cancellation of manuscript for further process.
C) Journals are using authenticated software’s to check plagiarism in manuscript.
D) As a group we are taking all the possible measures to publish quality manuscripts and ensures that published manuscript is free from any defamatory and wrong allegations.
4. Peer Review
All manuscripts are subject to assessed through peer review process to avoid any conflict in future. Manuscripts are reviewed by two independent and external experts in the relevant area. The reviewers make a scientific assessment and a recommendation to the editors about manuscript. Reviewers remain unknown to authors and vice versa. The editor considers the reviewers’ comments before making a final decision either to accept, accept with minor/major revision or to reject a manuscript.
1) Editors: Editors from all the journals are requested to declare any conflict of interest. Editors can declare any conflict they faced during the tenure. Editors are assigned with manuscript as per the interest and they can further assign reviewers or else can also give their valuable comments on assigned manuscript.
2) Reviewers: They need to give proper comments on the assigned manuscript to avoid any conflict in near future. Two different and independent reviewers will comment on article as per their expertise. Article can either be Accepted, Accepted with Revision, or Rejected.
3) Peer Review Fraud: Some of the journals are providing the opportunity to authors, to suggest some of the potential reviewers and this is the belief and trust on authors that they will suggest the genuine reviewers which may not lead or provide any fabricated comments. If any kind of fraud comes in notice the article will be immediately withdrawn from the journal and respected institution will be informed with immediate effect.
5. ORCiD
Authors should provide the ORCiD during manuscript submission.
6. Article Processing Charges
All journals are open access journals and do not receive any external funding’s. They are solely dependent on authors contribution. APC allows publisher to make your valuable article online upon acceptance to be read and reuse without any barriers.
7. Cover Letter
Cover letter should be attached along with the article to avoid any conflict among journal in which author wants to publish and should have the statement that article was not submitted or published anywhere else.
8. Formatting of Manuscript
A) Article Types
CUYR online library publishes all kind of articles for example research article, review article, case reports, clinical images, editorials, short communication, and other types as well.
B) Article Title and Authors Affiliation
1) Full manuscript title along with its running title (if any).
2) Full name of authors will be provided in article.
3) Department with full Institutional address and proper Email id.
C) Abstract and Keywords
The manuscript should have abstract which should not exceed more than 300 words and should not have any reference cite in its content. Along with that author needs to mention keywords minimum 3-5.
D) Introduction
Every article has introduction part, so, that should be available without any sub-headings and in a descriptive form.
E) Materials and Methods
This section should provide all the necessary information which will be helpful to understand the whole process of manuscript. More than one method can be divided into sub sections and subheadings. This section should be written in a way that it should be easily understandable by the audience so that they can utilize the same if needed by them.
Supplementary information can be uploaded which include detailed description of method and technique used in manuscript. If the protocol will be reused by author than that can be cited properly and should give credit to previous article authors.
If any method or tool is introduced in the manuscript, including software’s, questionnaires, and scales, the license this is available under and any requirement for permission for use should be stated properly.
F) Results
This section is very crucial and important. Author should simply inform or state what they have achieved or found in manuscript. Author should not interpret the results with less data and discuss implications. Author should take time to analyze the proper result before making any conclusion.
Author can use subheadings to separate the results as they can did in materials and methods. Results should be presented in a very logical manner. Try not to make any duplicate data among tables, figures, and text. It is quite easy to read and analyze data in table and figure format.
G) Discussion
Try to make this section into paragraphs to avoid unnecessary stress to writing process. This includes:
1) In first step author can provide the essential interpretation which was based on the key findings of manuscript along with evidence.
2) Author can highlight the strength and weakness of manuscript by comparing it with previous published data. Author can share any unexpected results if he/she achieved.
3) At last, summarize the purpose of study and the potential future of research.
H) Conclusion
This is very confusing for so many new authors about what to write in discussion section and conclusion section.
In conclusion section authors need to restate the major findings of their manuscript and how they are contributing to scientific community or what they are providing to the already existing data.
Author should inform about the future direction of his/her manuscript.
I) Availability of Data
In this section, author needs to clarify that how the readers can get all the data which is published in the conclusion of manuscript and the status of unavailable data which cannot be released.
J) Conflict of Interest
Author needs to mention about any conflict between co-authors exist or not. If not, then statement needs to be “No conflict of interest between co-authors” and if any conflict is there then statement will be “Conflict is there among co-authors”. This should be cleared by author that what kind of conflict is present and how it is going to be resolved before the final publication of manuscript.
K) Funding
Authors need to inform in manuscript about the funding or supporting body who is supporting the whole research by providing their grant number. For example: If article was supported by National Institute of Health (NIH) then author needs to mention about the grant number provided by NIH so that it will be easy to upload it in PubMed also. It should be mentioned like “Grant Number will be XXXX YYYY NIH HHS/United States.”
L) Acknowledgments
This statement will be included at the end of the manuscript before references section. Other than listed authors if everyone is involved in whole process of research it should be acknowledged in manuscript with their permission.
M) References
Authors can provide references in any format but after the acceptance of manuscript it will be arranged in Vancouver style.
Authors are responsible to provide every information properly so that it will be easy for journal editor to arrange it in a proper manner. If any reference cited in the text part of article is not clear and uncited reference will be removed from the reference section.
All references should be cited properly and in sequence. Staggered references may be missed while formatting of manuscript.
N) Figures and Tables Format
Both figures and tables need to be submitted along with the manuscript. It should be submitted in word file (.docx) or in PDF format.
Image format will not be accepted and will be returned to author and the revised file needs to submit as per the journal format.
Every figure and table should be cited in article properly or else author can paste the table and figure after the paragraph where journal editor can cite them.
O) Supplementary Documents
This file will be submitted along with the manuscript, but it cannot be formatted by journal editors, so authors are solely responsible for the information provided by author.
P) Patient Consent
Authors need to ensure the right to privacy if study is based on any human subject. The consent is mandatory so that their rights should not get harmed and privacy will not get infringed.
Authors can submit a signed consent form from the patients to maintain the identity of patient. Written consent can be mentioned in materials and method section else in acknowledgement.
Note: Journals should follow the ICMJE guidelines for reporting any human subjects.
Q) Animal Experiment
Try not to use any animal for experiment but if in case author is using then journal is expecting that they are not mishandled and should be treated in humane manner as per ARRIVE guildelines.
9. Proofread or Galley proof
First galley proof will be sent to author within 48 hours after the acceptance of manuscript. Author should respond on time and corrections can be marked and submitted by author in maximum 3 days (marked in PDF).
The publisher is responsible to publish the final manuscript within 7 days after the acceptance of manuscript.
10. Copyright
Authors retain the copyright of their manuscripts, and all Open Access articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.
11. Manuscript Withdrawal Policy
CUYR is an open access group and open access journals are highly committed to provide quality articles by following all the publication ethics. We are expecting the same effort from the end of authors as well. Authors should follow all the publication ethics to maintain the quality of articles.
It has come to notice that authors are not reading all the information’s provided by journal and after submission authors request to withdraw their manuscript. Sometime authors made request for withdrawal in early stages but sometimes they withdraw before the final publication of manuscript which hampers all the effort of our valuable editors, reviewers, and editorial staff.
Therefore, authors are requested to go through all necessary information’s on journal before submitting manuscript to journal to avoid all the issues. We do not want author to feel insecure after publishing manuscript with our group. Our group is following all the necessary guidelines of COPE.
For avoiding unnecessary mis understanding and withdrawal of manuscript, we request corresponding author to take whole responsibility of submission and should address the following issues before the submission of manuscript:
1) Check all the details, data and facts presented in the manuscript multiple times so that all information should be accurate and error free.
2) Author should take responsibility that the facts and data presented in manuscript are unique and should be own work; institutional permission should be taken to use the materials and resources which was used during whole study or research; and if data and facts are reused from any other source then proper consent should be taken by author.
3) All authors need to agree before submission only. In case any differences in opinion, address the consent before submission only. Corresponding author will be responsible for any mis communication.
4) Inform all the authors about the journal name before submission and final copy will be provided to all of them.
5) Before submission only decide all the order of authors and authorship contributions.
6) To avoid later conflicts author should be clear about the journal name otherwise before submission only they can choose another journal.
7) Manuscript can be submitted to only one journal. This is against the publication ethics and manuscript cannot be published online in two different journals.
8) Pre-Publication Withdrawal
Authors can withdraw their manuscript within 5 working days, after the submission made towards journal. The request can be conveyed to journal via email at contact@cuyr.org or through contact us page. Manuscript withdrawal will be allowed only with valid reasons or the most compelling reasons. All information has been provided by journal, so journal is not responsible for any consequences and withdrawal fees will be charged.
9) Post-Publication Withdrawal
Published manuscript can only be removed or withdrawn from the journal, if any legal disputes or copyright infringement is involved in manuscript. No fees will be refunded after final publication of manuscript.
10) All the communications from the editorial staff will be done via email or WhatsApp (if required). If authors do not reply to any communication made by editorial staff, then CUYR Scientific Library holds all rights to disclose conduct of authors and content of manuscript without any approval. Group or journal cannot be held responsible for any consequences arises in future.